05 September 2011

Post-Exhibition Ramblings

A big thank you to everyone who made it along to last Friday's opening night for "The Justice Will Be So Fantastic". Response to the exhibition has been great. Artboy Gallery is the largest space I've exhibited in so far, and it was initially quite daunting as I started hanging the art on those long white walls. Thankfully I had the perfect amount of work completed, and it was a nice change for the art to have plenty of breathing room within a gallery set up.

Later this week I'll be posting photos of all the work from the show, until then here's a quick shot of one of my personal favourite pieces from it. This is 60cm x 55cm ink on wood. I'd worked on wood before (panels and skateboards) but always with paints. This was the first time I had used inks on wood and it turned out to be a very exciting medium to work with. I'll definitely be doing more of it in the future.

So what's next? The rest of September will be spent working on the art for the new Crippled Black Phoenix album as well as a couple of short comic stories for various upcoming anthologies. October I'll be getting a new art book together and diving much deeper into the new Leroy comic. And the wheels have already started turning for other things running through into 2012.


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